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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Preferred Methods To Achieve Skin Tightening

By Lelia Hall

The body goes through a lot of toil when we age, what with weight loss and gain, poor dietary habits, and external exposure to sunlight or tanning beds, and pollution. These come together to create fine lines, and loose or sagging areas of the face and body. For people coming out of Cincinnati, OH, finding surgical alternatives for skin tightening is important.

An initial search on the Internet reveals that plastic surgeons have the basic attitude that a nip and tuck procedure is the only true way to get this tightening accomplished. They will swear that it is not risky and has few or no side effects. However, we can never allow ourselves to forget how many women have gotten sick, and died, due to the leaking silicone implants that plastic surgeons also swore were safe.

The fact is, these surgeons have a bad reputation, and many have earned it. There have been some who were not even qualified to perform the procedure for which they were hired, and these charlatans have damaged and killed many women. If one is seeking this type of solution, surgery should always be a last-resort, and they should use great care in choosing a qualified, licensed plastic surgeon who can provide solid references.

A method which has become wildly popular is dermabrasion, and many people swear by it. This involves a roller with small needles which are run across the face or body. This fools the body into thinking there has been an injury, and it releases elastin, a connective tissue which helps the epidermis retake the prior shape, and collagen which is a protein abundant in the body which plumps and smooths skin, and these aide in healing.

These proteins are both key players in revealing a youthful complexion. By tricking the body into thinking the epidermis has been injured, the elastin and collagen are both released. This very simply method can rid one of fine lines and crows feet, and have been known to heal recent scars or stretch marks, so this method is key to be utilized during the process of healing after the birth of a child.

Utilizing the proper moisturizer is very important with dermabrasion, as it opens the epidermis to better absorption. Shea butter is recommended due to the way it absorbs easily and is not greasy. Taking the liquid from Vitamin E and spreading it on the desired areas is another recommended method of moisturizing and protecting the face and body.

Chemical peels are frequently utilized to heal scars and reveal healthy skin. This method has seen a great deal of success with not only clearing the complexion, but also healing scars and stretch marks. One must take heed, as this can also result in areas of discoloration which must be kept out of the sun, and can take a good long time to heal.

Ultimately, any method used to improve the face and body must be met with a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a diet most appropriate for the level of physical activity one exerts. Exercise alone can go a long way towards firming up the body from the inside-out, as the development of muscle smooths areas of fat. There are even Yoga exercises one can do for the muscles in their face which help keep the face and neck taut and smooth.

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