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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Benefits Of Anxiety Psychological Services Calgary

By Karyn Shields

Anxiety is a condition that ails many people. For starters, anxiety is not bad in itself. It is a perfectly normal reaction to situations worth the reaction. The problem starts when it is so excessive that it takes control of your life. Usually, it is a symptom; muscles feel tensed, state of panic etc. At this point, it is wise to consult anxiety psychological services Calgary for professional help.

Anxiety disorders come in several forms. Phobias are a fear of events, things or situations which never go away. Post traumatic disorder develops following a terrifying event causing victims to constantly relive the trauma through recollections and nightmares when they sleep. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive worrying, lasting at least six months long and accompanied by fatigue, restlessness and insomnia.

As seen above, excessive worrying is the hallmark of the anxiety disorder. Worrying is a part of human life, we worry about money, health, work, school and relationships even when there is no reason to. People suffering from the disorder avoid the situations causing them to become anxious to no good. Others experience fatigue, trembling, insomnia and headaches, frequent urination and tense muscles.

Once you consult a psychologist, you will be given an appointment. During the first session, you will describe your symptoms to the doctor who will then properly diagnose your condition. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the best therapy to treat the disorder. Medicine or psychotherapy or a combination of both is used for effective treatment.

Medicines are not always used because they do not address the cause of the symptoms hence are not effective. However, for mild symptoms they are prescribed. In addition, they help the patient who is already undergoing psychotherapy. Remember the medication should only be given by your doctor as most of the beta blockers and antidepressants used are prescribe-only class of drugs.

A psychotherapy session is the most common type of therapy prescribed based on its effectiveness. It involves talking to a trained and experienced professional about your condition in a bid to uncover the cause of this disorder and alleviate its symptoms. One of the most commonly applied therapies is cognitive-behavioral therapy aimed at changing thinking patterns and reaction of patients to situations that contribute to the disorder.

There are other effective skills a patient may employ to help deal with the condition. Self care and self help skills are important. Self care includes adequate sleep, exercising and eating healthy. Self help skills include proper time management, meditation, communication and positive self talk. For example, preparing adequately for a school test that may cause you to be anxious helps prevent the condition.

When an anxious episode attacks, breathe deeply. Also, reassure and say positive things about yourself. Do not focus on yourself, but rather on other things such as the environment. When this does not help, you have to ask for professional help from a psychologist. They are trained to help you deal with yourself during the episode. With time, such attacks become rare and may even go away completely.

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