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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Why A Tanning Lotion Is Wiser Than Straight Contact To UV Rays

By Haywood Hunter

Experts have warned for a long time that exposure to the sun is harmful and that it can cause a number of serious conditions. Skin cancer is prevalent among people that spend a lot of time in the sun. However, exposure can also cause premature ageing, wrinkles and unsightly spots on the skin. For those that still desire a brown or golden skin it is by far a better idea to rather opt for a tanning lotion.

A basic internet search will reveal that there are a staggering number of different products on the market. Each one of them promises that consumers can look forward to a beautiful tan that is natural looking and easy to attain. Consumers should be careful, however, because these products are developed for very specific types of skin. A product that works very well for one person may not be the right product for someone else.

Getting advice from consumer forums on the internet is a tricky business and consumers need to be savvy. Sites owned by the manufacturers of these products should be viewed with suspicion because they will obviously only publish positive reviews and news. It is also vital to remember that not all products work for all people. It is better to obtain objective advice.

Many fashion and beauty magazines also offer advice to their readers and they may even conduct tests themselves. Their advice is normally independent and objective. It may also be a good idea to ask advice from a beauty salon that has experience in this field. They will also be able to determine the exact skin type and the products that will work best with that skin type.

Experts warn that cheap tan products should be avoided at all cost. Inferior products pose a real health threat. Apart from the possibility that it will cause blemishes and even blisters, it can also result in a highly embarrassing color. Correcting such undesirable results can be both expensive and time consuming. It is better to forego a tan than to use inferior products.

It is very important to be aware of the ingredients of any beauty before it is used. If it contains allergens the user can experience itching, swelling and pain. Experts advise that it is better to avoid using products that do not list all the ingredients used in its manufacturer. Even when the ingredients are listed it is always a good idea to test the product on a tiny area when using it for the first time.

Modern consumers are environmentally aware and it is important to use only beauty products that have not been tested on laboratory animals. Many beauty products are harmful and even toxic if used in the wrong manner. That is why it is also important to be careful when discarding unused products or empty containers.

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is dangerous, even when applying a good quality sunscreen. It can result in cancer and premature ageing. If a tan is desired, the use of a good quality tan lotion is by far the better option. Many products are easy to apply and produce highly satisfactory results.

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