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Friday, February 27, 2015

Resorting To NFL Total Offensive And Defensive Rankings

By Olivia Cross

What is the die-hard NFL football fan supposed to do during the agonizing months in between February and August. February brings with it the awesome Super Bowl, followed by the super crash the following week, when it finally sinks in that there isn't a game on Sunday. There won't be a game for lots of Sundays. Well, there are last year's statistics to pour over, among them the NFL total offensive and defensive rankings.

There will still be football apps to download, both for the tablet computer and the smartphone. Remember last year when you promised yourself you would learn all the names of the players on all the squads in your local division? You've got six months.

This time of year, you may still find die-hard fans on the football forums discussing why the frack the NFL don't supply all the balls to all the teams, like other major league sports leagues do. This question hasn't been adequately answered in the hours of discussions held so far. If you are bilingual, sports-wise, there are plenty of basketball games on television.

Come March, there may still be withdrawal symptoms. Followers of Formula One will be able to put the NFL on hold when the first race starts. Sunday afternoons have meaning again! This leaves those who aren't race fans to fend for themselves. Time to start digging the vegetable garden, maybe?

April brings Easter, sowing season for the vegetable garden and probably time to start mowing the lawn again. It's too soon for barbecues, so it's back to the Internet for amusement. Now is a good time to implement all those ideas for setting up spreadsheets just the way you want them so you can track the performances of the teams and players. Do it now, while the ideas are still fresh in your mind.

May. May is a tough month. None of the websites have been updated. There's nobody on the forums to argue with. Keep working in the yard. Tinker with your spreadsheets. Explore some of the other channels on the television. No, really. They do exist. Take the kids out for pizza. Take the wife out for dinner. You know her, she's the one who makes all the snacks on Sundays during football season.

In June, just as you start to see the first shoots of the veggies you sowed in April, so to the new shoots of interest in the new NFL season start emerging. You might even start to see the early birds on the NFL discussion forums. Go on. Poke your head above the parapet and post something. If you're lucky, you can still pick a fight with someone about Inflategate.

Ah, the hot summer months of July and August. Hope is on the horizon. Fill your time with garden parties and in the blink of an eye, it's September and time for the opening match of the new season. Now, instead of filling your time, you can be filling your fridge with beer and wings. Don't forget the potato chips. Life, and Sunday afternoons, have meaning again.

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