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Friday, August 21, 2015

Tibetan Medicines For Immune Systems

By Nancy Gardner

Just like its name suggests, Tibetan medicine is a native tradition form of treatment that was invented in Tibet in the seventh century. This was during the formation of the Tibetan empire and the emperors made it a point to invite physicians from all across the globe such as from India, China, Rome, Persia and other places with the aim of coming up with forms of treatments that combined their medical skills in inventing Tibetan medicines for immune systems.

Getting doctors from all walks of life was purposely meant to bring a variation of ideas given their experience and knowledge passed to them by their predecessors and as a result have a conclusive report on what physicians from different backgrounds have been doing in treating their people. With all considerations, there henceforth would be an invention of treatments from knowledge contributed by everyone.

According to this form of treatment, diseases are categorized into three groups namely; thoroughly established ailments such as birth defects and genetic disorders, imaginary diseases such as psychosomatic and lastly illnesses that arises from the conditions one is exposed to like the germs, pollutions and environmental factors in general with ailments like asthma.

Among the major factors that have contributed to this form of treatment getting recognition from all across the globe is basically just how this treatment is done. It usually focuses on getting rid of the root cause and not just managing the symptoms like what many modern forms of treatment do which consequently ensures total healing and not postponing the sickness like in other treatments. An example of this is given by comparing the relationship between smoke and fire as that of symptoms and diseases.

When it comes to building a strong immune system, food plays a crucial role as it is through which one can get the supplements that are required to strengthen their system. For one, one has to know the right foods which are basically just fruits and vegetables, and having a balance on protein and carbohydrate intake as they are known to be the contributing factors to most of the lifestyle diseases in this modern age.

Going natural is what most doctors recommend which is by eliminating the amount of chemical that gets in your system in form of spices, creams, preservatives, and flavors. Doing so ensures that ones organs such as the lungs, kidney and liver are functioning as they should as they are not stuffed by these chemical that affect their normal functioning.

One has to look at the bigger picture here and decide to go the healthy way; this obviously is by following a diet and having a routine that enhances their healthy living such as exercising. Basically, what this treatment does is avoid using medications that have side effect and instead use natural means to attain the same results but without the side effects.

As its known, prevention is better than cure and what better way to ensure this than by strengthening your immune system and achieve this. People have different body metabolism and therefore these techniques tend to work differently on different people; therefore, one has to seek a balance to where their body functions normally and master it.

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